I just started building my 14' Pacific Dory. I've been wanting a simple fishing / river boat since my dad sold our aluminum boat years ago. Upon looking into buying a new aluminum boat I quickly changed my mind when I saw how much they were. Having lost hope I had all but quit when I stumbled on
www.spirainternational.com. Having just graduated college and obtaining a real job I now have some play money, time, and extra space to build an inexpensive dream.
Last weekend I started building the first two frames. Now on weekend two, I've completed construction of all eight frames along with the transom. The next step, notching frames. I'd like to start doing that next weekend, (the 25th) but I'm not sure I will have the time. If things go well time wise, I would love to see it on the strong back foundation ready for cross braces.
Until then, here are some pictures documenting my progress so far: